Wednesday, July 29, 2015



In order to start talking about genius I would like to introduce this topic with the genius definition; the merriam-webster dictionary defines it as a person who has a level of talent or intelligence that is very rare or remarkable. Based on the definition it is not clear if a person born as a genius or could develop his skills to convert himself in a genius; also it is not clear if the intelligence is synonym of skillful person, however I think that one thing could help the other.
I think that geniuses are people who already born with higher level of talent and intelligence, people who develop their skills more than others or that acquire knowledge through the years of practice or study aren’t genius, I think they are passionate and dedicated people that has very clear which are their goals and they have been able to achieve all they can do, but naturally without that extra mile they wouldn’t be able to be the person they are now.
Genius can achieve all their goals naturally and can impress others with their rare intelligence, they can use it to invent or discover new useful things and most of them starts at young age without having any extra studies or extra work, and many time they are excluded from the society because they are different and they go beyond the regular people from their same age with the same level of scholarity.
On the other hand we have the skillful people that can learn very easy but they invest plenty of their time doing what they want to or learning as much as they can in order to achieve perfection and be the best on what they are passionate but without all that practice and study they wouldn’t be able to develop their skills as they are. As an example could be a dancer, could be the best dancer on the word but without practice that dancer can’t develop his skill as much as he wish.
It is not hard to discover a genius but discover our abilities sometimes could be hard, all of us already born with an ability, everyone is good at any particular area however sometimes we are not sure which is our best area or maybe we would like to be good at something different to our ability. I think that we should find which our ability is and take advantage of it to develop ourselves as better persons and bring always the best version of ourselves.

Just to finish I think that a genius born as genius and we cannot convert ourselves in geniuses however we can find our abilities and develop our skills could be with practice or studying and always be proud of us as persons.

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