Tuesday, August 11, 2015

About English 4

Finally I could finish English 4, well at least I could survive until the last class lol…. Seriously I am happy to being in this class, I´ve taken different courses in different places and I think that this one has been the most dynamically group I have ever been. I have learn grammar in a different way, because most of the time is very boring just being reading a book, filling spaces or completing sentences the whole class and this time was different.

I love the way that Elsa prepare her lessons because we are not just learning grammar, we are thinking and involving real life topics to our classes, that is very important because it teaches us to develop ourselves in different situations and being able to talk about different trending topics and not just only repeating hackneyed themes or fake lives from the books where all is pink color and a perfect world. 
Also I think that this class is very dynamic and that is great specially in my case that I work Monday to Friday from 6am to 3pm, I have to wake up every day at 4:30 am and I have to go school every day also, can you imagine how tired it is for me, I would like to have time to sleep 
but I can’t and unfortunately many times I got sleep at classes (I know I should do that, but is hard) but this is the first class that I don´t get sleet even one minute because the whole class is very dynamic and it keeps me awake.

As I said before I love the topics we talked on classes that encourage me to discourse and give my opinion about the different topics and is great to know that Else lets me talk and express myself on those topics it is very interesting and also at the same way I am learning and somehow I have lose a little bit my stage fright public speaking, maybe because she gave us confidence.

I think that this is a great way to finish my last English class because I have learn a lot and reinforce all that I have studied on previous courses and also it gave me the opportunity to talk and have better pronunciation and more vocabulary, I have really enjoyed this course.

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