Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Does money mean power?

This is a topic that we talked about in classes and I think that it is very inserting so I decided to write all my answers to the teacher’s questions on this blog.

Do you have to be cheap to make a fortune?

I don´t think so, however I think that if we don´t spend on unnecessary stuff we could save more money than we could think. That we are economical is very different from being stingy or cheap, stingy doesn´t spend absolutely nothing, even for personal hygiene or hunger, they prefer not to eat to have to buy food.

Can a wealthy person be generous?

Yes, there are many wealthy persons that they have their own beneficial organizations.

Should wealthy people give back to society?

I think that they don´t have to, but it would be great if they do help others.

Do you think it’s fair that so much of the world’s wealth is in the hands of so few people?

I think that if your wealth was earn with your hard work it is fair. I think that is unfair that some people doesn´t try to be a productive people or a hard worker person and they just extend their hand to ask for money, while others are studying and working.

Based on those questions I think that money can help you to have power, however is not a fact that money mean power and vice versa.

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